Saturday, March 23, 2013

PIN-FACT-CHECKER: Microwaving Popcorn Kernels

When I saw this pin I couldn't believe we'd be doing it wrong all this time!

My kids are total snackers. 
They wanna snack while doing an art project. 
They wanna snack in the car.
They wanna snack outside.

And they usually ask for chips, goldfish, cereal, candy, juice, cookies....etc.
So when they ask for popcorn, I'm all over that!

We buy microwave bags of popcorn like crazy.
But I had gotten a big jug of popcorn kernels from my neighbor and always wondered how they made it.
Mystery solved! 

This is my 3yr old, Shylo with his very excited face!

STEP 1: I put just enough popcorn in the bottom of a glass microwave-safe bowl to cover the bottom (For this particular bowl next time, I'd use less. I had left over kernels and there was so much popcorn that I think it crushed my popped popcorn and made my popcorn pieces smaller and less fluffy

 Step 2: Put a small plate over the top and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and 45 seconds. (Next time, I'll put it in for 2:15-2:30. I had a few little burned guys in the end.

Step 3: Season. I'm obsessed (OBSESSED!!) with Accent. Don't tell my husband that I'm telling our secret. It tastes better than salt and we don't use butter or anything else. There are hardly any calories, almost no sodium and tastes like gold!

Step 4: ENJOY!

And there you have it! Cheap, easy, works!


1 comment:

  1. nice pics! you need to come over and teach me how to photograph better...gotta go, Benjamin is flushing the toilet....
