Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bun-Day, Tuesday, Wednesday

So let's just be honest here.
There are certainly days I just can't get myself together enough to do anything productive.
Ok, I clean up after the kids, probably nap, usually make a craft with them, sometimes take them to the park, probably clean up more and by the time it's almost time for dinner and I know my husband's on his way home, I'm panicking cause I look like poo and haven't taken a shower the whole day.

I'm from the old school and there are just certain things my husband doesn't see.

We never talk about bathroom happenings (pretty sure he's convinced women don't use the "rest"room.)

I like to make sure I'm presentable for my man. I don't know why. Call me old fashioned but I just do.

So if he's about to come home and I'm still lookin like a hot mess, I need a quick solution!

Ah ha!
That's it!

It's a BUN-DAY!

So I searched online for all sorts of cool and unique ways to bun my hair.

Here's my very favorite bun:

Sock bun. Affectionally known as sock donut. (I probably just made that up, but whatev.)

You see, I have seen buns look like this...

And that's not cute at all!

So while I wanted my bun to be a little full, my hair is really long and already makes a pretty thick bun.

So baby sock it was. Try to find a color close to your hair color.
I cut the toe of the sock off and rolled it around itself til it made a sock donut.
(Mmmmm donuts....I'm pregnant, remember!)

1.) Pull your hair up to the crown of your head.

2.) Tie it off into a ponytail.

3.) Place the sock donut onto the end of your ponytail and tuck the ends in.

4.) Start rolling the sock down your hair

5.) Be sure to spread your hair around the sock evenly so you cover up the whole sock underneath.

6.) Once you get to the root of the ponytail, pin it onto your head with a bobby pin or two.


Once your done with your bun, remove the sock donut and ponytail holder and your hair will have beautiful, full big beachy waves.



1 comment:

  1. And yes, I AM wearing a popped collar in my "after" shot.
